We all know that purchasing a vehicle is an important investment and, like any other investment, it should be protected. By planning now you can avoid potentially costly expenses for unexpected mechanical failures and major repairs.
when buying a used vehicle, there are flexible extended warranty packages available to suit your vehicle.
Integrity Car Care is proud to be affiliated with National Automotive.
Integrity is one of the oldest dedicated warranty companies in Australia, with beginnings way back in 1992.
With excellent claims handling and customer service, you can have confidence for the road ahead.
National Automotive makes available these warranties which are able to be used Australia wide, with your local registered mechanic. If an issue arises, you simply phone the warranty company, inform them of your warranty number, and take it to a local mechanic. If you are unsure of a suitable mechanic, they can often suggest one for you.
Once Integrity have approved your claim, you are provided an approval number, and the mechanic is paid directly by Integrity.
There is no excess on any of the warranties, and the warranty amount pays for both parts and labour.
Each of the vehicles National Automotive sells are suitable for extended warranties.
One, three and five year warranties are available.
The Integrity Warranty will keep your warranty going as long as you keep servicing your vehicle regularly.